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Beginner's Skincare

Isn't a flawless glass-like skin a dream for most of the girls/women reading this blog? Well, then I got ya! In the first place, remember you're beautiful just the way you are. Whenever you dream about having a flawless face, the only reason behind that intention should be that you care about yourself and love the way you are not because the people around make you insecure.

But I know girl! It's often easier said! Do take it this way, insecurity makes your skin more damaged/flawful because of the stress you face reasoning the people around you. So come on girl, start loving yourself, everything else will come in hand. Alright, let's not brag this anymore let's get into what you're here "Beginner's Skincare".

Humans start getting acne/dark spots etc… In their teens, this is completely normal, either for a girl or a boy. So if you are a beginner as a teen facing these skin problems like I was, I got ya. In this blog, I will be providing you with some various needs and requirements as a beginner. The followings are the basic requirements on the road to a flawless skin:

  • Hydration

  • Exercising

  • Healthy Diet

  • Follow a regular CTM (Cleansing, Toning, Moisturizing)

  • Always wear SPF

These are the building blocks for healthy skin and these should be followed ritually.


I hope you would have been probably familiar with the term CTM routine, but what's this CTMS & CTMN? S & N simply refers to sunscreen and night cream.

CTM S- Morning/Mid-Morning



I hope the above-mentioned is a perfect skincare routine for a beginner. Also, it's more than enough to apply either moisturizer or night cream. Need not wear both of them. Above all of this, never forget to choose your product brands wisely. As a beginner, if you think you don't want to invest much in skincare products and end up, the products not suiting your skin, you have to research products that are effective but cost-efficient too, or you can also use some basic products like rose water as toner and aloe vera as your moisturizer, that'll also work!


  • Don't pop your pimples.

  • Don't touch your face.

  • Avoid direct contact with hot water.

  • Avoid harsh cleansing devices.

  • Avoid junk food (Which can be eaten occasionally)

  • Reduce stress.



Steaming helps in popping out a pimple naturally without us popping it out with our fingers. The reason is that the steam kills the bacteria in the pimple and makes sure that it doesn't spread all over your face, but popping your pimple with your fingers will do.

[P.S. Don't steam too often. Steam occasionally. Steaming will often remove the natural oils (important for your skin's hydration) from your skin & make it dry.]

Have a tissue/face towel:

I know it's very difficult to not touch your face. We sometimes touch our faces unknowingly, and it's unavoidable. But a solution for this can be having a tissue in your bag or pocket always so that whenever you feel like touching your face you can wipe it off with a tissue/face towel.

[P.S. Touching your face makes the bacteria and dirt in your hand in contact with your face, which can lead to acne]

Cold Water Cleansing:

Always use cold water to wash your face. If not cold water, at least normal room temperature water or warm water. Do not wash your face with hot water.

[P.S. It's okay to wet your face in hot water while bathing, that's fine!]

Cleansing your face with cold water helps in keeping your pores closed and reduces the occurrence of dirt getting inside your pores. Cleansing with cold water also has many other benefits of its own.

Hands are better:

I would suggest that hands are always the best option for cleansing your face. But if you want to invest in a cleansing device, opt for a gentle one. Using harsh cleansing devices can lead to wrinkling/aging of your skin faster.


I know we all have busy schedules as well as lazy days too, but it's always important to shower yourself with some self-love occasionally. A basic facial routine once or twice a week is more than enough to maintain your skin's youngness.

  • Cleansing

  • Steaming

  • Scrubbing

  • Face mask/ Face pack

  • Toning and moisturizing.

For scrubbing and face masks/packs as a beginner, I would preferably suggest always going for mild natural remedies. As a beginner go natural, this will help you learn your skin type and will let your skin get used to layering. It'll also help you in choosing face masks/packs and face scrub products.

For face scrub you can use rice flour, sugar (white or brown), rose powder, etc…

For face packs, you can use besan, fullers earth (Multani Mitti), neem powder, tulsi powder, sandalwood powder, turmeric, orange peel powder, etc…

You can combine any of the above ingredients with water, rose water, milk, etc… And use it as a face scrub or face pack, dingly.


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