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Building your confidence:

Before knowing on how to be confident we have to analyze that one thing that is keeping us behind from being confident. Confidence isn’t something that can be learned like a skill set. Nobody is born with confidence, it is we who build it. Confidence is the best accessory when you wear it well. People with great confidence come from having the experience of embarrassment and insult. Confidence truly is the key to getting ahead in life.

Positive thinking is the key when it comes to building confidence. It is very easy to comment on other people’s effort and hard work but it takes the courage to stand out of the box. You be the one to stand up, not the one to comment. Although self-confidence means differently to different people, ultimately confidence means having faith in yourself.

  1. Accepting yourself:

The primary key to building confidence is completely accepting the way you are. Confidence comes from feeling your well-being and acceptance of your body and mind. When we are so much concerned about what other people think about you why can’t you show the same concern to your own-self and take a moment to appreciate yourself.

2. Facing insecurities

How much ever a person is confident when it comes to facing their insecurities it becomes their weakness. It’s fine when you don’t know certain things when it happens around you until you have the urge to learn and the courage to grow.

Facing criticism and your insecurities with a smile on your face will make you seem the most confident person. Insecurities happen only when you’re unsure about who and how you are. Always have the grit to climb back up.

3. Low confidence-Over confidence

There is a huge void between low confidence and overconfidence where in the center lies self-confidence. Low confidence makes you a person where you become dependent on the people around you whereas over-confidence makes you arrogant and egotistical making you think people around are dependent on you.

Knowing the balance between these three is crucial in moving forward. Low confidence and overconfidence are the two seats of a sea saw where knowing how to balance by staying at the pivot part of the see-saw becomes very important.

4. Positive thinking

Completing a task confidently is not about making mistakes. Mistakes are inevitable especially when doing something new. Making mistakes and having downs is a part of making it to your goals. When we think about it deeply our mistakes and embarrassments are the ones who help us in the process of learning and achieving what we want.

Self-esteem is how we feel about ourselves, the way we look, the way we think whether or not we feel worthy or valued. You must be the one to decide how you look yourself in the mirror. No matter what comes in your way, leading your life with a positive perspective and a joyful point of view will always guide you in the right path.


Confidence is all about having faith in yourselves and being okay with who, how & what you are. It's what makes you special. The concept of being yourself has been misguided over time. Change is the only constant thing in life. You can never be too old or too experienced to learn something new. It’s every generation’s responsibility to show the endless possibilities of achieving things in life to the next.

If you believe in yourself the world will believe in you because perception is reality. Don't let the world decide on how you portray and face your life, you decide on how the world wants to see you. Creating your own space of confidence will be needed for you to come out of the box you’re already in.

Remember, every process is beautiful & so is your life.

Make it count, make it a memory.

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