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'STRESS' is one of the most insecure things where we stumble without the knowledge of handling it. Why one should manage stress?

Stress, anger, anxiety, and fear will never be a liability in our life, and it never was! We get stressed when we don't know how to handle our minds. The excitement we have at the beginning of doing something new, which may seem easy, makes us overwhelm ourselves with a little too much. But only when we start doing it, we see the real struggle and stumble in the middle of the day. This is one of the major factors of stress, but there are many more in each individual's life.

Another major reason is we stack up responsibilities on a stressful day, even after knowing we're overwhelming ourselves too much. This is because no attention has been paid on how to handle our mind, how to handle our body, how to handle our emotions, or how to handle the upcoming. Eventually and accidentally, you're being pushed to manage such a sophisticated system. So becoming stressful is a spontaneous outcome of such an unbothered living.

1. Be your child self and show gratitude:

After we enter adulthood, we always lose our child self. When we compare our lives now to our childhood days, a lot has changed. Entering adulthood manipulates us into living a fancy perfect life, likewise, society pretends to portray a perfect life on platforms like social media. When we look back as a child we never expected anything, we accepted life the way it was. We never complained about anything, and that pure innocence vanishes away in us as we step into adulthood.


We always complain about everything in life without knowing the value of the opportunities we are given. When you're in school studying is stressful, when you go to college finishing your projects/assignments before the due date is stressful, when you finish college and when you don't get a job that is stressful, when you get a job working is stressful. Ultimately, the lifestyle you chose to live is utterly stressful. Therefore, I truly believe to overcome this is to bring back a small percentage of that childhood self back into living.

To bring back the innocence, to be giving, to not complain, and to accept the way you are.

Showing gratitude for even the smallest things in life can make a vast difference in your perspective of seeing life. Improvise yourself even in the smallest things in life and utilize the opportunity by giving the best of what you can.

2. Do not overwhelm yourself:

As, I said in the beginning, overwhelming yourself by judging a book by its cover leads to stress without us even knowing it. When it happens to try a new thing, a thing that we have no idea about in our life, we need to break the task into small pieces. First, we need to observe whether we can handle and pass the beginner's stage or not. Then we can eventually advance ourselves. Bear in mind to not reasonize your life situations that are making you stressed. Stress is happening to you, because of your inability to manage your own system. Therefore, never overwhelm your tasks without the knowledge of handling them.

3. Control your rage:

Sometimes when we gave our best and the results stoop very lower than we expected, we fall into the trap of rage, stress, anxiety, and fear. Fear of handling more of life like this! Sometimes controlling our rage might be very difficult in critical situations like these. We have to understand that being hard on yourself or showing your rage toward your surroundings will never bring a solution or a change when you're raged out. Do not take any decisions when you're angry. Giving yourself time and space for processing at times like this. Eventually is a necessity at times like this. Take some deep breaths, understand the situation and apologize for being harsh on yourself as well as on the other. Understand that by no means raging will bring a solution to any problem in life. It's all about handling and improvising, but raging isn't the way.

4. Stop Overthinking:

Overthinking is a demon that pushes us into the boomerang of repetition thinking of some scenarios that happened in our lives. The moment you get identified with things that you're not, you fall into the demon's trap. I'd probably say overthinking is a Demogorgon attacking us in unpredictable situations, y'all đŸ€đŸ˜Ź. At times like these, mental overthinking is inevitable. We need to dis-identify with everything and understand “What are you?” and “What is not you?”. If you can be firm enough to decide who you are, and whom you've shaped into all these years, no one's opinion will bother your mental health. Overthinking only happens when you give people the license to enter your mind and control it the way they want. Sometimes even the people who you think can identify you the right way can go wrong. Therefore, it's our responsibility to identify and maintain our inner strong selves. Henceforth, the attempt of barricading the people who wrongly identify and judge you, which causes the consumption of mental exhaustion, will bring a solution.

Conclusively, don't be afraid to face life because of the stress that is going to be on the way. Everything that is meant to happen in life will always be worth the shot. Don't be ashamed or afraid of using your opportunities because of your negative surroundings.

People who tell you that, you can't are always the ones who are afraid that you WILL! And having bliss in life 24/7 wouldn’t be as exciting and challenging as life is when compared to having people around to entertain you in their own way 😁. So take it easy and always improvise to take it up a notch.


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