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How to Overcome Insecurity

INSECURITY! The one thing that people struggle to overcome in life. As the word conveys, there is no security assured in life. However, we have our own struggles to face and challenges to win in life. Life is a roller coaster ride full of unpredictable situations and scenarios. We have our way of dealing with life, one such way is what I am gonna share with you in this blog.

Regardless of how healthy and young you are, you're going to have an end to life. This is the most common thing in people, stopping them from attempting to do something great. The thought of, however life is going to end one day so why put in hard work? It is why most go along with the flow of life naming it fate. Remember, Death is just an end to your existence, not to the noble things you've done when you're alive which will be spoken about and remembered by people for years. And the existence of those noble deeds will be an inspiration to so many more.

Talking about insecurity, what does make one think insecure about themselves?

Is it about the way people judge you? (OR)

Is it about the way you are? (OR)

Is it about the way people make you feel?

Can I tell you something?

Insecurity has nothing to do with any of the above I've mentioned. In the first place, everybody faces insecurity at regular intervals. So don't be insecure to confront insecurities.

Overcoming insecurities doesn’t have any secret behind it, it's in your grip to decide whether to conquer the insecurity and be a better person or let the insecurity drown you. If we inculcate the fundamental awareness of mortality and the existence of things only for a limited amount of time as a normal conscious thing, you would put your life to best use no matter what you face in life. Coming to terms with that one thing, you would notice yourself erasing the insecurity from you.

There's nothing to lose or gain in the mode of insecurity. At the end of the day anyhow all you will have is how profound, intense and beautiful your experience of life is!

Bear in mind that success is not about being famous and recognized by people. All that matters is that in this lifespan whether you shine or not, sometimes you're seen by people, and sometimes you're not. But that doesn’t mean that you haven't reached your heights!

True success is all about finding what's inside you and giving your fullest throughout till the end.

Keep in mind that we have come here to experience life, not to avoid it. Experiencing makes us discover newer things in life. Good or bad, it has its own positive motive towards us.


  • Be brave enough to feel it, face it and analyze it. Avoiding or being afraid to encounter doesn't bring a solution, feel it and rectify it! It helps you in the process of healing.

  • Change your perspective on how you see your negative surroundings. Try transforming your point of view of what's bothering you funnily. It lets you take things with ease and prioritize yourself.

  • Program your mind with the thoughts that support you, that are made out of self-love, that are positive, which should not hold you down at any cost and refute the thoughts of your insecurities.

  • Neither compare yourself with others nor bother about the people who criticize you by comparing. One person's light doesn’t diminish your light! You just have to take a few steps forward to achieve that shine in your life, or even better.

  • Topping all of this, you should notice and catch yourself when you're insecure. Never avoid the feeling of insecurity, and don’t be okay with your insecurity.

As the saying goes, “Nobody Is Perfect!”. In that case, it doesn’t mean you can let yourself down at any expense. Finally, all of this is only possible through the repetition of positive affirmations and self-belief, which ensures the undoing of your insecurities.


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