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How to deal with negative surrounding

Wouldn't be good if everybody is nice to you? Well, on the same side have you ever thought that life would be meaningful without any life lessons? Everybody faces negativity and struggles in life regardless of their age, gender, skin color, religion, caste, and all the other negative things that differentiate human beings. Dealing with toxicity isn't that hard, but when you start giving attention to them, it will be difficult to overcome the anxiety caused by them.

Let me tell you a short story on how to handle toxic people:

In a certain company, a young employee went to his HR head and said, “I can't work here any longer. I want to quit this job”. The HR head asked, “Why? Please tell me what happened that made you think to quit the job”. The man replied, “The whole atmosphere is so toxic to my mind, I can't handle it. Some people do a lot of politics, and some always degrade and demotivate my efforts. Some spend most of their time gossiping. I don’t think I can handle this any longer”

The HR said “OK, but I want you to do one last thing before you quit”. The man asked, “What do you want me to do sir?”. The HR said, “Walk through the office corridor thrice with a lemon and spoon in your mouth, make sure that you don't drop the lemon off the spoon and then come meet me”. Though it sounded weird, the man thought it was just a matter of few minutes anyway, so he took a lemon and a spoon in his mouth and walked around the office corridor thrice in such a way that the lemon doesn’t fall off the spoon.

After he completed the task given by his HR head, he went back to him to inform him that he was done. The HR head asked, “When you were walking around the office corridor, did you notice any employee gossiping or talking bad about another employee or any disturbances?”. The man replied, “No, Sir”. “You know why?” asked the HR. “Because you were focused on the lemon and the spoon to ensure that it doesn't fall off the ground, the same goes with our life, when you are focused on your priorities and determined towards your goal, you don't have the time to see all the drama around you”.

The fact is anywhere you go you are going to face negative people and the ones who discourage you even after you do your best. Change of place or change of situation is not going to bring you a solution until you are ready to face the consequences. Stay determined to your goal and focused on your priorities. Don't let the people around you ruin your mindset or bring fluctuation in what you want to achieve.


  • You are the master of your own life.

  • You are your ultimate support in your UPS & DOWNS.

  • You are the ultimate guide to achieve your passion in your life and maintain that inner fire in you.

Wherever you are, do your best, work hard to break through your limitations, not to show the people around you but to prove to yourself that you are capable of doing anything that you are determined to do.

Ultimately positivity or negativity, it's completely in our hands to handle them and take it in such a way that it doesn’t affect your mental health.

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