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Accepting your flaws

Life is always unpredictable. It gives you both good and bad things. Not everyone is perfect in everything. The finding of yourself in a place where you’re the only perfectionist is what life is about. The people who do that shine in life and the people who don’t, only have the time to whine and worry about their flaws.

In life, there are so many difficult and unfair things that can hurt you. Each one of us has a personality trait or a physical feature that we think doesn’t sit well with us and which makes us insecure.

The art of handling and accepting your flaws is not something that everybody is good at. The acceptance of being yourself and not letting the people into your life who don’t encourage you for being yourself will automatically make all your flaws invisible to your eyes.

  1. Nerve take anything personally:

Life is all about learning. Every day is a gateway to learning new things that improvise our lifestyle than the previous day. Things take time and so it is when it comes to overthinking. Everybody gets into the phase of overthinking at various points in life.

The people whom we admire who take life positively and sportively no matter what it is will have undergone the stage of overthinking. In the long run, taking things personally will lead to overthinking and triggers unwanted circumstances.

2. Positive philosophy:

The eventual step towards embracing your imperfections is to be mindful and to shift your perspective regarding how you perceive yourself. Confidence is everything. It's okay to do mistakes when it's the beginning stage for you. Stop viewing yourself as insufficient or lacking in certain areas.

There is always something in each and everyone is perfect at. Even at times when you feel like you’re not perfect in anything, the act of rectifying your mistakes and improvising your flaws will make you more productive than when whining and worrying about your flaws.

3. Being clueless is fine:

Not everything in life needs a plan of execution, sometimes it’s okay to be in the middle of nowhere until when you have the confidence to pursue your destiny. On the same side, not everything in life goes according to what we plan.

The solution for avoiding the disappointment faced when your plan doesn’t go as planned is ignorance. Ignorance is the most powerful but underrated weapon to face life with ease. No matter what we do or whatever we plan life always has a plan for us, we just have to put the work in to reach places.


Life throws various situations at you which triggers your emotion but ultimately its motive is to make you stronger each and every time.


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