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Stick to your habits

Wouldn’t be nice if everything runs on autopilot mode? The toughest thing is that most people struggle to stick to that habit when it comes to building habits. It's why most people don't do their habits consistently. Vice versa, leaving behind your addiction to bad habits is also difficult. As you proceed reading, you might realize the reason behind losing interest in your habits and also get a grip of doing your habits regularly without getting bored.

The common reason behind people who lose interest in their habits after doing it a few times are:

1. The habit is boring after a certain time of doing that.

2. As you progress, the habit is difficult.

3. You miss a day or two and get demotivated.

4. Change in the routine so you don't spend some time on that habit.

5. Too many other things in life that you think it is more important than your habit.

6. Getting distracted on social media & stuff.

Remember, habits are something that is going to chill you out when you're stressed. So choose a habit wisely and make sure that it is interesting to grab your attention every time. Don’t make your habits a stress builder, rather make it as your stress buster. As I mentioned earlier in my blogs, time blocking can help you plan out your day and also helps you keep up habits.

Let us move on with some tips on how to not lose interest in your habits:


Try making a small difference in your lifestyle like folding your clothes from the laundry, arranging your bed, etc… Start with something small and try being consistent with it. This will help you realize your real potential when you do something more than your regular things in life.


Your body and mind are under your control;

  • Control it when you're distracted

  • Control it when you're demotivated

  • Control it when your focus deviates

  • Control it in every other situation that makes you feel doing that habit later or to quit that habit because it's boring


Try doing your habits daily or most days of the week. Bringing consistency is difficult if you want to make a habit stick. Initially try it, trying is a pathway leading to consistency. Once you get a grip of it, you'll keep going.


Fix a time, and do that habit every day at the same time. Create a reminder on your mobile phones, or set an alarm to remind yourself. This helps you to be consistent.


Just put yourself in a place of un-expecting, not only in your habits but also in your life. When you expect, you focus on your results, which makes you disappointed. Do the habit for your happiness and for feeding your brain. Great things take time, so go slow and steadily with all your capability.


When you start seeing results, you get hyped and think that you excelled in that habit and leave behind that habit just because you think, so you excelled in that habit. Keep in mind that the people who have reached great heights in life and the people who are recognized for what they are today is because of their consistent hard work even till today. So your analytics in what you do should be consistent, no matter how good you're at it. This will help you reach great heights.


Before you do anything in life, always see the difficult side of it and work hard to break through your limitations. This will not only make you feel your capability but also keep your expectations at bay.

Ultimately, you should try sticking to the above-mentioned habits if you want to be consistent with your desired habits.

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