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How to stay motivated!

No matter whether you’re motivated to your goal or not there is always somebody to demotivate you. If something cheers you up there is always something that is gonna put you down! On the first place why does an individual needs motivation? Well, when you’re deciding to do a task for a particular time, you’re not sure with the clarity of your thoughts that’s why after a few times of doing that task makes you lose interest to do it again. The reason for losing your motivation and getting stuck in the middle is because of the instability of the thoughts that you carry in your journey to success.

So how to bring clarity in your thoughts and be stable in your decisions?

“Motivation is simple; you eliminate those who aren’t motivated” Striving to bring clarity on consequences in your life would be a solution. It is very difficult to ignore the negativity that is around you, but once when you get the grip of handling the obstacles, you’ll get going no matter what hindrance comes your way.

“A champion needs confidence above and beyond winning”

If you want to travel the pathway to success with ease, you need confidence. So this doesn’t come from somewhere, it comes from you, but you need to work on it with all your nerve. It is very important to spend your time bringing clarity to your thoughts and stabling your emotions. As I mentioned earlier, clarification of your thoughts and being sable with it is very important to overcome obstacles. This can be done by changing your perception of the surrounding situations, which can help you overcome anxiety.

This will definitely bring clarity to your thoughts and to be confident in your actions, which helps you overcome the hindrance with ease.

Practical tips for staying motivated:


Remember that the tasks that you choose to do are demanding but not discouraging,

Challenging but not impossible (As the word itself says I’m Possible)


The major reason for stepping back from tasks since you are demotivated is because that the task isn’t exciting enough to grab your focus anymore. To find an activity that not only challenges you but also grabs your interest.


Devoting a few hours a week to that activity on a sustained basis would bring clarity and stability in your progress, which fills you up with a great sense of accomplishment.


Balancing your daily life with these activities is very important. Lack of knowing the skill of balancing your daily life with these activities can lead to laziness, stress & anxiety. Everybody’s lifestyle is different, but one should get a grip on balancing your interests and responsibilities. Also, a balanced schedule keeps your physical and mental health motivated.



Distractions are the root cause of deviating your pathway to success and it also demotivates you. Find the distractions that are deviating you from the tasks that you want to do. Try being away from them so that you can concentrate on what you’re doing.


Try making a small change in your life. Build a new habit of your choice like learning a new instrument, learning a new language, working out, waking up early, etc… Anything that makes you realize that you are efficient at doing whatever you want to do. This is going to motivate your brain and encourages you to try new things without fear or favor.


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