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How to stop procrastinating?

Is there an assignment you have to complete in less than a day, or is there a stinky laundry piled up in your room waiting to get into the washing machine? But instead, you are sitting and reading a blog on how to stop procrastinating? Wait! Wait! Don’t leave, I hope you are in the right place to destroy that procrastinating monster. About 30% of the population around you procrastinate their tasks. Well as we all know, the whole soul of that procrastinating monster is your laziness.

You're not a procrastinator, you have a procrastinating habit. Procrastination is all about lying to yourself. Believe it or not, procrastinating has nothing to do with your work. It is a form of stress relief for a short time. Hey don’t be fooled, okay? It is going to cost you stress at the last minute. So the solution is to trick yourself into getting the job done. Doing a task that you have been procrastinating for a long time rewards you nothing but stress.

Instead of doing a long-time procrastinated task and stressing out, you can just plan your lifestyle. Practice tackling tasks as soon as they arise, rather than letting them build up over another day. Well, how to do it, huh? Just eat an elephant! What? I don’t really mean to eat an elephant, rather imagine your tasks as an elephant with dividable pieces. Think of a project or an assignment that you really need to get done, instead of letting it overwhelm you at the last minute, divide them into small bite-sized manageable segments and do it every day which takes you absolutely less time compared to your last-minute panicking projects. Think about what needs to get completed and plan them out wisely and write them on a piece of paper on how to tackle that task, hour by hour, and make it specific. By breaking down and planning out the tasks; the elephant becomes less taunting. Make sure to not only plan them but also stick to them.

Something that we all do is getting stressed about the procrastination that you did in the past. Focusing on your past is going to benefit you in no way, rather focusing on your present self can greatly impact your future self in a good way. Just move on and get yourself into the void of getting things done and to make it more enthusing, reward yourself for the tasks that you've


Peer pressure works.

Make someone check up on you and remind yourself to do your priorities. It may or may not be people, you can also set a reminder in your mobile phone with a motivational quote that might boost you to get you out of your comfort zone, or you can use an online tool such as Procraster can help you, self-monitor.


The prioritized tasks on your to-do lists are still unticked? Then the 2-minute rule might make you do it. So come on get up the clock is ticking ⏰ . This might be difficult in the beginning or even funny sometimes since nothing else motivated, what could the 2-minute rule possibly do? Well, we have to take science here again, however, researchers have proven the 2-minute rule can greatly impact your lifestyle and help you stop procrastinating once you get the grip of handling the rule.

Remember, procrastinating is normal, but cheating yourself into the thinking of doing your priorities later can affect you immensely.

So procrastinate, give yourself a break!

But keep procrastination on line!

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