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The birth of Christ,

The festival of joy,

The gratitude we offer,

The music we love,

The gathering of our loved ones.

The jubilation is celebrated worldwide.

The most loved holiday worldwide.

Why is Christmas the Season of joy?

Christmas is said to be the season of joy for a reason. The birth of our Lord Savior brings upon the redemption for the sins of the people of the world.

Christmas is celebrated by a whole lot of people around the world regardless of religion, color, and separation. Christmas is celebrated even across religions for a reason.

It is believed that the birth of Jesus Christ brings Joy, Happiness and peace to families in need. It is the time when you can embrace yourself and start over and level up from your downhills through faith.


Having faith in what you pray for is more important than your deeds and actions. Not at all times we are gonna feel our best, nor the people around us will let us be.

God will always provide you with what you require rather than what you want. Sometimes what he blessed you with is what you wanted and prayed for but sometimes when you don’t, the best always awaits, which doesn’t wait afar.

Possessing hope in situations like those plays a crucial role in one's life, especially considering when you are a Christian. Thereafter, prioritizing your faith in god rather than your feelings in mind will always get you a step ahead in life.


As it says,“Nobody is perfect”. Nobody can be god, he is the one and only. We can only move forward by following in his footsteps and leading a way of life that he would want us to live.

You need to control your character, emotions, and your actions in channelling into the footsteps of Jesus Christ. Beyond prayers, there need to be actions that represent God and his goodness in your life.

Prayer means nothing if you

  • don’t have the heart to forgive

  • Have the heart to move on

  • Have the ability to spread happiness

  • Have the ability to make peace

  • Have the heart to give

After all, we all are humans we can’t neglect the human qualities we are born with, ultimately we need to just keep trying.


A clean environment brings a clean mind. Moreover, the more healthier and hygienic your surroundings are, the more blessings you get to have a positive mindset in life.

It can start with simple things like:

  • making your bed when wake up

  • Cleaning your study table

  • Dusting your shelves etc…

The purification we prepare ourselves for Christmas is to enter as a new you into the New Year’s both internally by mind and body & also externally through your environment.


The season of advent is a great chance to level up and cleanse yourself of your sins. It doesn’t mean you will never sin ever again.

Just for the contempt of redemption by letting go of whatever past you’re holding onto which is holding you back from pursuing your true self. Forgiveness is God’s greatest gift and blessing to all of us. When you realize you’re ready to be forgiven and let go, you’re ready for a fresh start.

At the end of the day, we are all humans with flaws. It’s okay to feel comfortable to have as many fresh starts as you want, as long as you have faith and trust in the good deeds of Jesus Christ.


  • I am grateful that, I can tell people about the goodness of Christmas.

  • I am grateful for the people reading this blog.

  • I am grateful for all the blessing, I have in my life.

Gratitude isn’t a Habit, It’s a lifestyle.

Despite whatever we are blessed with, we tend to forget the people/children who aren’t provided with even half of what we are provided with.

Create your possibilities, make use of your opportunities, and always be grateful for the small things in life. On top of all of it, God always has a better plan for you in your future, so always bear that thought in your heart and mind.

Remember, the season of advent not only brings the joy for the birth of Jesus but also gives us the chance redemption. It's in our hands on how we use it.

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